Pico De Gallo

My sister lives in Mexico, and recently while we were gathered for a family get-together, she made her most yummy pico de gallo. It’s so delicious, I swear I only used the chips as a delivery system. Mine is slightly different than hers, in that I hate cilantro (I’m sure you’ve heard me say this…

St. Benedict’s Meatloaf and Irish Little People Salad – Old World Recipes with a little history.

My dad had these cookbooks called Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes and Practices  by George Leonard Herter and Berthe E. Herter from Waseca, Minnesota in the late 1960’s. It was a set of 2 cookbooks with shiny gold covers, and they were made for manly, hunting, fishing, outdoorsy men. There is history in it, from…

Fast food with a flair

I’m having a ridiculously busy August – at the office every single day, plus writing, editing, socializing, going to the gym, emergency appointment with the dentist. You get the picture as to why I’m running out of shopping and/or cooking time. And because I don’t want to eat fast food, one of the ways I make…